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Sweet potato oven-baked vegetables

Roasted sweet potatoes and Hokkaido pumpkins on a baking sheet, garnished with rosemary.
A vibrant baking sheet filled with roasted sweet potatoes and Hokkaido pumpkins, beautifully caramelized and garnished with fresh rosemary. The colorful vegetables showcase the rich hues of autumn, inviting you to enjoy their delicious flavors.

Ingredients for 1 tray:

- 2 large Sönkes sweet potatoes

- fresh rosemary and thyme

- Olive oil

- some sugar

- Salt (preferably coarse sea salt), pepper, cinnamon, paprika, cayenne pepper, garlic

- other vegetables of your choice. Good addition: Hokkaido pumpkin from Sönke

Other ideas: onions, beetroot, potatoes

1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Wash the vegetables and herbs.

2. Peel the sweet potatoes (and optionally other vegetables of your choice) and chop them into large pieces (approx. 4 cm). Pumpkin and sweet potatoes take about the same amount of time to cook. If you're adding beetroot to the tray, please cut it much smaller, as it takes longer to cook. It also tastes good "crunchy" with it.

2. Spread the vegetables on a baking tray lined with baking paper and drizzle generously with olive oil. Alternatively, toss the vegetables in olive oil in a bowl.

3. Now sprinkle the oven-baked vegetables with the spices and a little sugar. Our recommendation: cinnamon! Press the fresh rosemary and thyme and place on the vegetables.

4. Put the tray with the vegetables in the oven and roast for about 30 minutes.

A variety of dips go well with the oven-baked vegetables, such as aioli, herb curd or a fresh yoghurt dip with lime.

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